Valentine’s Day Webinar with Fireweed Collective

I was lucky to get to present a webinar on Valentine’s Day with Fireweed Collective about Dismantling the Romance Myth. Here are the slides from the webinar, and I will post the video here when it is ready.

They are working on creating a video that has me, the ASL intepreter, and my slides, but for now, here is the video that includes me and the ASL interpreter.

Above is the video that includes me and my slides

P.S. I did a follow up to this session in Feb 2022. Here’s the video of that session.

New Interview about Mutual Aid with In These Times

Clara Liang recently interviewed me for In These Times.


Amid the cat­a­stro­phe of the pan­dem­ic, cli­mate emer­gency and racist state vio­lence, mutu­al aid has explod­ed. Ordi­nary peo­ple around the globe, from Seat­tle to Nige­ria, are find­ing ways to sup­port each oth­er when the gov­ern­ment won’t.Mutual aid isn’t just that we help each other. We help each other based on a shared recognition that the systems aren’t delivering and are actually making things worse. We’re simultaneously building a movement to address the root causes of the crisis we’re in.

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